Sunday, March 30, 2014

11 out of 32: Save More

Last month was about splurging and treating myself better.  This month is treating myself better in a different way, through saving.  I may not splurge on myself all the time, but like most 30 somethings I still have student loans to pay and would like to be saving up more.  I have a 401 K, but I would like to be putting more towards that.  I'd also like to have more in my current savings to feel more secure if an emergency comes up and be able to travel more.

This month I challenged myself to see where I could cut.  Even when you don't think you are overspending, things like those lattes, impulse purchases at the grocery store, etc. can add up.

Here is what I've done so far, not finished with cutting, but it is a start.

1. I got rid of my cable. I made a one time purchase for a Roku which paid for itself in less than two cable bills.  I'm not home that often and now I can stream Netflix, Amazon, and 1000s of free channels with no monthly fee.  I have saved myself $492 a year.

2. Coffee.  I love coffee more than I love most people.  I used to have a cup at home and grab another on the way to work.  Now we have a really nice coffee maker at work, so I've cut down on grabbing a drink on the way in.  I allow myself one latte or coffee from a coffee house per week as my treat.  I have saved myself $416 a year.

3. Bringing in lunch to work.  I'd love to get up to five days a week, but I'm currently averaging three.  I bring my own lunch twice a week and once a week I'm part of a lunch club where we make lunch for each other so it is only my turn every fifth week.  This will hopefully result in a fatter wallet and a smaller waste line.  I've saved myself: $1,008 a year

4. Going out less.  I decided to go out one less night a week.  That means either working on personal projects, having some me time, or having friends over/going to their place where spending money isn't involved.  I've saved myself: $1, 144 a year

This is just the start.  So March is done and I'm 11/32.  Keep in mind I have a few in the works right now, but I don't believe in premature celebrating so I'll post those as they come.

Photo by Philip Brewer 

10 out of 32: Take a Class

I consider myself a life long learner.  I love taking classes for the sake of learning something new.  Not working in higher education or being a graduate student over the past couple years has lead to less opportunities to expand my horizons in those ways.  Time and money are obviously the biggest barrier.

Well no excuses anymore, I started taking some classes on Skillshare.  They are online courses which I tend not to be a fan of since I learn better by listening and doing than I do reading, but I have to say these are great.  They are video courses and you go at your own pace.  You have access to the class for life so I can go back and forward to review.  Prices vary, but the classes I have taken have been under $20 and in a few cases free.

Photo by velkr0 
 I've taken some writing courses and I've also taken a course in something new which will play into at least two more of my 32 before 32 challenges.  Stay tuned.

Monday, March 17, 2014

9 out of 32: Join a Club

You know that kid in high school and college who seemed to be in EVERY club or org and was president of at least half of them...I was THAT kid.  Even after Grad School I still managed to find ways to be part of clubs.  I joined Meet Up groups when I first moved to NYC and helped out with student organizations when I worked in education.

For the past couple years I haven't really been in any clubs.  I miss the structure, learning something new, and forging a connection with people over a common interest.  I decided I needed to to be part of a club again.  My friend Mary invited me to join her book club and it seemed like the perfect opportunity.

I love reading and this group has very eclectic tastes so I'm looking forward to reading books I never would have picked up otherwise.  I enjoyed our first meeting and I'm looking forward to getting to know everyone better and broaden my literary horizons.

Photo by Tom Belte